You are here: Foswiki>Organizations Web>LevelFiveResearch (19 Sep 2004, datamine)Edit Attach
Level Five Research -

"Since 1984 Level Five Research has been an innovative provider of"thinking" software for intelligent publishing of database informationon the Internet or in LAN / WAN environments, expert systems,intelligent advisors for the Internet, and smart usage managementsystems for the client/server environment. With the leading desktopknowledge-based system tool, LEVEL5 OBJECT\xAE, Level Five Research isa recognized leader in providing intelligent software solutions toFortune 1000 companies and government."...
"Now Level Five Research is again bringing anew, revolutionary technology to market with LEVEL5 Quest\xAE, an intelligent datasearch and discovery tool for the Internet and for LAN based DBMS's."

Note: This info converted from the original "The Data Mine" pages and pre-dates June 2001. Please remove this note if you update or check the info

Topic revision: r1 - 19 Sep 2004, datamine

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